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More sustainable lifestyles
Poznań student meeting
17-21 October 2022


As pre-tasks to the project week  students  presented challenges their countries have  been facing while  implementing or during a transition into more sustainable solutions. They also shared the examples of the efficient/ successful sustainable solutions/actions that have already been introduced in their city or the country.


As a response to the pre-task presentation students created  posters which illustrate actions  individuals can take to contribute towards a more sustainable lifestyle in the areas of  consumption choices regardingfood, clothes,waste management, transport  and travel.

Image by Noah Buscher


Red Leaves

Students prepared brochures as their  response to the environmental crisis  and the need to shift to a more sustainable lifestyle - a plan for a school event – Sustainable Lifestyle Awareness Day- organzed by their school for the local community.

Clover Leaves

Final presentations and the exhibition

Students shared  their ideas on the final project day. The exhibition of the results for the school community was opened.

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